32 days . . .
(too old to reply)
2024-01-21 20:10:58 UTC
Effective February 22, 2024, Google Groups will no longer support new
Usenet content. Posting and subscribing will be disallowed, and new
content from Usenet peers will not appear. Viewing and searching of
historical data will still be supported as it is done today.
Richard Harnden
2024-01-22 11:40:29 UTC
Effective February 22, 2024, Google Groups will no longer support new
Usenet content. Posting and subscribing will be disallowed, and new
content from Usenet peers will not appear. Viewing and searching of
historical data will still be supported as it is done today.
Rather pointless, but ...


typeset -i GG=$(date -d "2024-02-22 00:00:00" +%s)
typeset -i NOW=$(date +%s)

while [ $NOW -lt $GG ]
echo t-minus $((GG-NOW)) seconds
sleep 1
NOW=$(date +%s)

echo +++ no carrier +++

return 1
2024-01-22 12:34:20 UTC
Post by Richard Harnden
Effective February 22, 2024, Google Groups will no longer support new
Usenet content. Posting and subscribing will be disallowed, and new
content from Usenet peers will not appear. Viewing and searching of
historical data will still be supported as it is done today.
Rather pointless, but ...
typeset -i GG=$(date -d "2024-02-22 00:00:00" +%s)
typeset -i NOW=$(date +%s)
while [ $NOW -lt $GG ]
echo t-minus $((GG-NOW)) seconds
sleep 1
NOW=$(date +%s)
echo +++ no carrier +++
return 1
can't help but wonder if the powers that be might've been advised to command
their google2news division to stand down and quietly withdraw from the field