stats 2024 Q1
(too old to reply)
The Doctor
2024-04-01 08:24:16 UTC
Group : news.admin.net-abuse.usenet
Statistics : from 1/1/2024 to 3/31/2024

***** Users with most messages *****
num| Name | Nb Msg |
size | or. | %
1 | Adam H. Kerman | 78 |
233,521 | 0 | 10.17% xxxxxxxxxx
2 | Eric M | 63 |
132,990 | 0 | 8.21% xxxxxxxx
3 | llp | 59 |
161,222 | 4 | 7.69% xxxxxxx
4 | Frank Slootweg | 53 |
171,705 | 0 | 6.91% xxxxxx
5 | immibis | 40 |
84,571 | 0 | 5.22% xxxxx
6 | D | 30 |
50,274 | 6 | 3.91% xxx
7 | Adam W. | 29 |
71,553 | 3 | 3.78% xxx
8 | The Doctor | 28 |
281,830 | 3 | 3.65% xxx
9 | Ray Banana | 28 |
57,214 | 1 | 3.65% xxx
10 | Scott Dorsey | 28 |
45,169 | 0 | 3.65% xxx
11 | Retro Guy | 21 |
45,204 | 0 | 2.74% xx
12 | Olivier Miakinen | 20 |
48,903 | 0 | 2.61% xx
13 | candycanearter07 | 19 |
46,709 | 0 | 2.48% xx
14 | Marco Moock | 18 |
32,564 | 2 | 2.35% xx
15 | Grant Taylor | 16 |
67,774 | 0 | 2.09% xx
16 | Tim Skirvin | 13 |
114,072 | 13 | 1.69% x
17 | Sn!pe | 12 |
38,919 | 1 | 1.56% x
18 | noel | 12 |
23,563 | 0 | 1.56% x
19 | Spaceship | 11 |
41,629 | 0 | 1.43% x
20 | victor | 11 |
24,456 | 0 | 1.43% x
21 | Ivo Gandolfo | 11 |
22,104 | 0 | 1.43% x
22 | yamo' | 10 |
21,313 | 0 | 1.30% x
23 | Gunther F | 9 |
31,405 | 1 | 1.17% x
24 | R Daneel Olivaw | 9 |
20,029 | 1 | 1.17% x
25 | DV | 9 |
29,215 | 0 | 1.17% x
26 | Andrew | 8 |
32,874 | 1 | 1.04% x
27 | Indira | 6 |
12,632 | 2 | 0.78%
28 | Blueshirt | 6 |
12,618 | 0 | 0.78%
29 | Anonymous | 6 |
10,391 | 0 | 0.78%
30 | Spiros Bousbouras | 5 |
11,388 | 1 | 0.65%
31 | Jesse Rehmer | 4 |
8,512 | 2 | 0.52%
32 | ??????????Jen?????????? Dershmender ???????????????????? | 4 |
14,886 | 1 | 0.52%
33 | Chez | 4 |
13,974 | 0 | 0.52%
34 | Ricardo Hernandez | 4 |
6,937 | 0 | 0.52%
35 | faq | 3 |
17,980 | 3 | 0.39%
36 | Richard Harnden | 3 |
7,650 | 2 | 0.39%
37 | Julien ÉLIE | 3 |
5,798 | 1 | 0.39%
38 | Russ Allbery | 3 |
5,901 | 0 | 0.39%
39 | Dutch Spammer | 3 |
4,660 | 0 | 0.39%
40 | Nomen Nescio | 3 |
4,203 | 0 | 0.39%
41 | david | 2 |
3,342 | 1 | 0.26%
42 | Spam Report | 2 |
2,663 | 1 | 0.26%
43 | David Goodwin | 2 |
5,313 | 0 | 0.26%
44 | def | 2 |
4,617 | 0 | 0.26%
45 | Adam h. Kerman | 2 |
4,593 | 0 | 0.26%
46 | Jan K. | 2 |
4,557 | 0 | 0.26%
47 | Richard Kettlewell | 2 |
4,510 | 0 | 0.26%
48 | John | 2 |
4,352 | 0 | 0.26%
49 | Nigel Reed | 2 |
3,701 | 0 | 0.26%
50 | Andy Burns | 2 |
3,497 | 0 | 0.26%
51 | Ralph Fox | 2 |
3,430 | 0 | 0.26%
52 | Wolf Greenblatt | 2 |
3,169 | 0 | 0.26%
53 | Tom Furie | 2 |
3,037 | 0 | 0.26%
54 | SPAM Complaint | 1 |
4,079 | 1 | 0.13%
55 | Bright Idea | 1 |
2,088 | 1 | 0.13%
56 | Spooks Suck | 1 |
2,080 | 1 | 0.13%
57 | Spamtroller Info | 1 |
2,072 | 1 | 0.13%
58 | Spam Abuse Report | 1 |
1,644 | 1 | 0.13%
59 | SR912 | 1 |
4,353 | 0 | 0.13%
60 | Blue-Maned_Hawk | 1 |
3,858 | 0 | 0.13%
61 | V Martin | 1 |
3,467 | 0 | 0.13%
62 | Matija Nalis | 1 |
3,099 | 0 | 0.13%
63 | Computer Nerd Kev | 1 |
3,086 | 0 | 0.13%
64 | Jakob Bohm | 1 |
2,984 | 0 | 0.13%
65 | rogue server admin | 1 |
2,940 | 0 | 0.13%
66 | Seamus Godwin | 1 |
2,718 | 0 | 0.13%
67 | Jörg Lorenz | 1 |
2,643 | 0 | 0.13%
68 | Passing by | 1 |
2,590 | 0 | 0.13%
69 | wolfgang rothe | 1 |
2,477 | 0 | 0.13%
70 | Mr Ön!on | 1 |
2,199 | 0 | 0.13%
71 | bernie | 1 |
2,146 | 0 | 0.13%
72 | Scurvy Skirv Dog | 1 |
2,144 | 0 | 0.13%
73 | ***@gallaxial.com | 1 |
2,127 | 0 | 0.13%
74 | Harry S Robins | 1 |
2,093 | 0 | 0.13%
75 | Enrico Papaloma | 1 |
1,990 | 0 | 0.13%
76 | Seamus | 1 |
1,918 | 0 | 0.13%
77 | A B | 1 |
1,881 | 0 | 0.13%
78 | Bill Powell | 1 |
1,875 | 0 | 0.13%
79 | Gelato | 1 |
1,809 | 0 | 0.13%
80 | Hello UseNet | 1 |
1,756 | 0 | 0.13%
81 | Nick Cine | 1 |
1,671 | 0 | 0.13%
82 | S. Frederico | 1 |
1,636 | 0 | 0.13%
83 | Mark Janson | 1 |
1,569 | 0 | 0.13%
84 | Hip Crime Boss | 1 |
1,536 | 0 | 0.13%
85 | Automated Spam Filter | 1 |
1,442 | 0 | 0.13%
86 | Mickey | 1 |
1,384 | 0 | 0.13%
87 | German Nazi Hunter | 1 |
1,360 | 0 | 0.13%
88 | Marco | 1 |
1,339 | 0 | 0.13%
89 | ##### Serial Japanese Spammer ##### | 1 |
1,312 | 0 | 0.13%
90 | KJ Jones | 1 |
1,248 | 0 | 0.13%
91 | Japanese Spammer | 1 |
1,177 | 0 | 0.13%
92 | ***@panix.com | 1 |
1,050 | 0 | 0.13%

***** Users with most started threads *****
num| Name | or. |
Nb Msg | size | %
1 | Tim Skirvin | 13 |
13 | 114,072 | 23.64% xxxxxxxxxx
2 | D | 6 |
30 | 50,274 | 10.91% xxxx
3 | llp | 4 |
59 | 161,222 | 7.27% xxx
4 | Adam W. | 3 |
29 | 71,553 | 5.45% xx
5 | The Doctor | 3 |
28 | 281,830 | 5.45% xx
6 | faq | 3 |
3 | 17,980 | 5.45% xx
7 | Marco Moock | 2 |
18 | 32,564 | 3.64% x
8 | Indira | 2 |
6 | 12,632 | 3.64% x
9 | Jesse Rehmer | 2 |
4 | 8,512 | 3.64% x
10 | Richard Harnden | 2 |
3 | 7,650 | 3.64% x
11 | Ray Banana | 1 |
28 | 57,214 | 1.82%
12 | Sn!pe | 1 |
12 | 38,919 | 1.82%
13 | Gunther F | 1 |
9 | 31,405 | 1.82%
14 | R Daneel Olivaw | 1 |
9 | 20,029 | 1.82%
15 | Andrew | 1 |
8 | 32,874 | 1.82%
16 | Spiros Bousbouras | 1 |
5 | 11,388 | 1.82%
17 | ??????????Jen?????????? Dershmender ???????????????????? | 1 |
4 | 14,886 | 1.82%
18 | Julien ÉLIE | 1 |
3 | 5,798 | 1.82%
19 | david | 1 |
2 | 3,342 | 1.82%
20 | Spam Report | 1 |
2 | 2,663 | 1.82%
21 | SPAM Complaint | 1 |
1 | 4,079 | 1.82%
22 | Bright Idea | 1 |
1 | 2,088 | 1.82%
23 | Spooks Suck | 1 |
1 | 2,080 | 1.82%
24 | Spamtroller Info | 1 |
1 | 2,072 | 1.82%
25 | Spam Abuse Report | 1 |
1 | 1,644 | 1.82%

***** Users with highest total size of messages *****
num| Name | size
| Nb Msg | or. | %
1 | The Doctor |
281,830 | 28 | 3 | 12.79% xxxxxxxxxx
2 | Adam H. Kerman |
233,521 | 78 | 0 | 10.60% xxxxxxxx
3 | Frank Slootweg |
171,705 | 53 | 0 | 7.79% xxxxxx
4 | llp |
161,222 | 59 | 4 | 7.32% xxxxx
5 | Eric M |
132,990 | 63 | 0 | 6.03% xxxx
6 | Tim Skirvin |
114,072 | 13 | 13 | 5.18% xxxx
7 | immibis |
84,571 | 40 | 0 | 3.84% xxx
8 | Adam W. |
71,553 | 29 | 3 | 3.25% xx
9 | Grant Taylor |
67,774 | 16 | 0 | 3.08% xx
10 | Ray Banana |
57,214 | 28 | 1 | 2.60% xx
11 | D |
50,274 | 30 | 6 | 2.28% x
12 | Olivier Miakinen |
48,903 | 20 | 0 | 2.22% x
13 | candycanearter07 |
46,709 | 19 | 0 | 2.12% x
14 | Retro Guy |
45,204 | 21 | 0 | 2.05% x
15 | Scott Dorsey |
45,169 | 28 | 0 | 2.05% x
16 | Spaceship |
41,629 | 11 | 0 | 1.89% x
17 | Sn!pe |
38,919 | 12 | 1 | 1.77% x
18 | Andrew |
32,874 | 8 | 1 | 1.49% x
19 | Marco Moock |
32,564 | 18 | 2 | 1.48% x
20 | Gunther F |
31,405 | 9 | 1 | 1.42% x
21 | DV |
29,215 | 9 | 0 | 1.33% x
22 | victor |
24,456 | 11 | 0 | 1.11%
23 | noel |
23,563 | 12 | 0 | 1.07%
24 | Ivo Gandolfo |
22,104 | 11 | 0 | 1.00%
25 | yamo' |
21,313 | 10 | 0 | 0.97%
26 | R Daneel Olivaw |
20,029 | 9 | 1 | 0.91%
27 | faq |
17,980 | 3 | 3 | 0.82%
28 | ??????????Jen?????????? Dershmender ???????????????????? |
14,886 | 4 | 1 | 0.68%
29 | Chez |
13,974 | 4 | 0 | 0.63%
30 | Indira |
12,632 | 6 | 2 | 0.57%
31 | Blueshirt |
12,618 | 6 | 0 | 0.57%
32 | Spiros Bousbouras |
11,388 | 5 | 1 | 0.52%
33 | Anonymous |
10,391 | 6 | 0 | 0.47%
34 | Jesse Rehmer |
8,512 | 4 | 2 | 0.39%
35 | Richard Harnden |
7,650 | 3 | 2 | 0.35%
36 | Ricardo Hernandez |
6,937 | 4 | 0 | 0.31%
37 | Russ Allbery |
5,901 | 3 | 0 | 0.27%
38 | Julien ÉLIE |
5,798 | 3 | 1 | 0.26%
39 | David Goodwin |
5,313 | 2 | 0 | 0.24%
40 | Dutch Spammer |
4,660 | 3 | 0 | 0.21%
41 | def |
4,617 | 2 | 0 | 0.21%
42 | Adam h. Kerman |
4,593 | 2 | 0 | 0.21%
43 | Jan K. |
4,557 | 2 | 0 | 0.21%
44 | Richard Kettlewell |
4,510 | 2 | 0 | 0.20%
45 | SR912 |
4,353 | 1 | 0 | 0.20%
46 | John |
4,352 | 2 | 0 | 0.20%
47 | Nomen Nescio |
4,203 | 3 | 0 | 0.19%
48 | SPAM Complaint |
4,079 | 1 | 1 | 0.19%
49 | Blue-Maned_Hawk |
3,858 | 1 | 0 | 0.18%
50 | Nigel Reed |
3,701 | 2 | 0 | 0.17%
51 | Andy Burns |
3,497 | 2 | 0 | 0.16%
52 | V Martin |
3,467 | 1 | 0 | 0.16%
53 | Ralph Fox |
3,430 | 2 | 0 | 0.16%
54 | david |
3,342 | 2 | 1 | 0.15%
55 | Wolf Greenblatt |
3,169 | 2 | 0 | 0.14%
56 | Matija Nalis |
3,099 | 1 | 0 | 0.14%
57 | Computer Nerd Kev |
3,086 | 1 | 0 | 0.14%
58 | Tom Furie |
3,037 | 2 | 0 | 0.14%
59 | Jakob Bohm |
2,984 | 1 | 0 | 0.14%
60 | rogue server admin |
2,940 | 1 | 0 | 0.13%
61 | Seamus Godwin |
2,718 | 1 | 0 | 0.12%
62 | Spam Report |
2,663 | 2 | 1 | 0.12%
63 | Jörg Lorenz |
2,643 | 1 | 0 | 0.12%
64 | Passing by |
2,590 | 1 | 0 | 0.12%
65 | wolfgang rothe |
2,477 | 1 | 0 | 0.11%
66 | Mr Ön!on |
2,199 | 1 | 0 | 0.10%
67 | bernie |
2,146 | 1 | 0 | 0.10%
68 | Scurvy Skirv Dog |
2,144 | 1 | 0 | 0.10%
69 | ***@gallaxial.com |
2,127 | 1 | 0 | 0.10%
70 | Harry S Robins |
2,093 | 1 | 0 | 0.09%
71 | Bright Idea |
2,088 | 1 | 1 | 0.09%
72 | Spooks Suck |
2,080 | 1 | 1 | 0.09%
73 | Spamtroller Info |
2,072 | 1 | 1 | 0.09%
74 | Enrico Papaloma |
1,990 | 1 | 0 | 0.09%
75 | Seamus |
1,918 | 1 | 0 | 0.09%
76 | A B |
1,881 | 1 | 0 | 0.09%
77 | Bill Powell |
1,875 | 1 | 0 | 0.09%
78 | Gelato |
1,809 | 1 | 0 | 0.08%
79 | Hello UseNet |
1,756 | 1 | 0 | 0.08%
80 | Nick Cine |
1,671 | 1 | 0 | 0.08%
81 | Spam Abuse Report |
1,644 | 1 | 1 | 0.07%
82 | S. Frederico |
1,636 | 1 | 0 | 0.07%
83 | Mark Janson |
1,569 | 1 | 0 | 0.07%
84 | Hip Crime Boss |
1,536 | 1 | 0 | 0.07%
85 | Automated Spam Filter |
1,442 | 1 | 0 | 0.07%
86 | Mickey |
1,384 | 1 | 0 | 0.06%
87 | German Nazi Hunter |
1,360 | 1 | 0 | 0.06%
88 | Marco |
1,339 | 1 | 0 | 0.06%
89 | ##### Serial Japanese Spammer ##### |
1,312 | 1 | 0 | 0.06%
90 | KJ Jones |
1,248 | 1 | 0 | 0.06%
91 | Japanese Spammer |
1,177 | 1 | 0 | 0.05%
92 | ***@panix.com |
1,050 | 1 | 0 | 0.05%

***** Days with most messages *****
num| date | Nb Msg | size | or. | %
1 | 1/10/2024 | 53 | 181,800 | 1 | 6.91% xxxxxxxxxx
2 | 1/9/2024 | 34 | 77,080 | 1 | 4.43% xxxxxx
3 | 2/26/2024 | 33 | 71,467 | 0 | 4.30% xxxxxx
4 | 2/29/2024 | 32 | 72,455 | 2 | 4.17% xxxxxx
5 | 2/28/2024 | 31 | 68,378 | 0 | 4.04% xxxxx
6 | 1/6/2024 | 30 | 76,232 | 1 | 3.91% xxxxx
7 | 1/19/2024 | 25 | 118,498 | 0 | 3.26% xxxx
8 | 3/1/2024 | 23 | 79,750 | 2 | 3.00% xxxx
9 | 1/7/2024 | 23 | 70,067 | 0 | 3.00% xxxx
10 | 2/27/2024 | 23 | 47,249 | 0 | 3.00% xxxx
11 | 2/22/2024 | 22 | 45,646 | 6 | 2.87% xxxx
12 | 1/21/2024 | 22 | 55,478 | 0 | 2.87% xxxx
13 | 2/21/2024 | 21 | 37,045 | 3 | 2.74% xxx
14 | 3/5/2024 | 19 | 39,381 | 1 | 2.48% xxx
15 | 2/25/2024 | 19 | 38,324 | 0 | 2.48% xxx
16 | 1/8/2024 | 17 | 41,834 | 1 | 2.22% xxx
17 | 2/20/2024 | 16 | 35,197 | 1 | 2.09% xxx
18 | 2/3/2024 | 15 | 34,643 | 3 | 1.96% xx
19 | 2/24/2024 | 15 | 36,809 | 2 | 1.96% xx
20 | 2/19/2024 | 15 | 38,430 | 0 | 1.96% xx
21 | 2/23/2024 | 15 | 29,722 | 0 | 1.96% xx
22 | 2/7/2024 | 14 | 19,988 | 1 | 1.83% xx
23 | 1/20/2024 | 12 | 59,662 | 1 | 1.56% xx
24 | 1/18/2024 | 12 | 43,791 | 1 | 1.56% xx
25 | 1/23/2024 | 12 | 25,902 | 1 | 1.56% xx
26 | 1/16/2024 | 12 | 26,811 | 0 | 1.56% xx
27 | 1/12/2024 | 11 | 32,386 | 0 | 1.43% xx
28 | 1/17/2024 | 11 | 21,512 | 0 | 1.43% xx
29 | 1/27/2024 | 10 | 36,063 | 1 | 1.30% x
30 | 1/28/2024 | 9 | 15,445 | 2 | 1.17% x
31 | 2/18/2024 | 9 | 26,165 | 1 | 1.17% x
32 | 3/4/2024 | 9 | 21,141 | 0 | 1.17% x
33 | 2/1/2024 | 8 | 71,718 | 2 | 1.04% x
34 | 3/2/2024 | 8 | 20,901 | 1 | 1.04% x
35 | 2/8/2024 | 8 | 14,009 | 0 | 1.04% x
36 | 3/6/2024 | 8 | 13,185 | 0 | 1.04% x
37 | 1/11/2024 | 7 | 16,880 | 2 | 0.91% x
38 | 1/5/2024 | 7 | 23,021 | 1 | 0.91% x
39 | 3/10/2024 | 7 | 19,323 | 1 | 0.91% x
40 | 3/28/2024 | 7 | 13,124 | 1 | 0.91% x
41 | 1/29/2024 | 7 | 11,827 | 0 | 0.91% x
42 | 1/22/2024 | 6 | 9,905 | 2 | 0.78% x
43 | 2/16/2024 | 6 | 11,634 | 0 | 0.78% x
44 | 3/31/2024 | 5 | 8,923 | 1 | 0.65%
45 | 3/12/2024 | 5 | 15,588 | 0 | 0.65%
46 | 2/2/2024 | 5 | 7,898 | 0 | 0.65%
47 | 3/30/2024 | 4 | 15,893 | 1 | 0.52%
48 | 2/15/2024 | 4 | 9,462 | 1 | 0.52%
49 | 1/1/2024 | 3 | 164,724 | 2 | 0.39%
50 | 2/10/2024 | 3 | 13,018 | 1 | 0.39%
51 | 2/11/2024 | 3 | 4,529 | 1 | 0.39%
52 | 3/7/2024 | 3 | 10,707 | 0 | 0.39%
53 | 3/18/2024 | 3 | 5,696 | 0 | 0.39%
54 | 3/9/2024 | 2 | 12,852 | 2 | 0.26%
55 | 3/16/2024 | 2 | 10,980 | 1 | 0.26%
56 | 2/17/2024 | 2 | 10,567 | 1 | 0.26%
57 | 1/15/2024 | 2 | 11,255 | 0 | 0.26%
58 | 3/24/2024 | 2 | 4,644 | 0 | 0.26%
59 | 3/15/2024 | 2 | 4,502 | 0 | 0.26%
60 | 1/25/2024 | 2 | 4,124 | 0 | 0.26%
61 | 1/13/2024 | 1 | 8,770 | 1 | 0.13%
62 | 3/23/2024 | 1 | 8,770 | 1 | 0.13%
63 | 1/26/2024 | 1 | 2,564 | 0 | 0.13%
64 | 3/13/2024 | 1 | 2,471 | 0 | 0.13%
65 | 2/4/2024 | 1 | 2,442 | 0 | 0.13%
66 | 2/5/2024 | 1 | 2,146 | 0 | 0.13%
67 | 1/31/2024 | 1 | 2,104 | 0 | 0.13%
68 | 2/12/2024 | 1 | 2,056 | 0 | 0.13%
69 | 1/24/2024 | 1 | 2,024 | 0 | 0.13%
70 | 3/11/2024 | 1 | 2,008 | 0 | 0.13%
71 | 3/8/2024 | 1 | 1,721 | 0 | 0.13%
72 | 3/29/2024 | 1 | 1,617 | 0 | 0.13%

***** Days with most messages *****
num| date | Nb Msg | size | or. | %
1 | Wednesday | 141 | 348,507 | 5 | 18.38% xxxxxxxxxx
2 | Tuesday | 121 | 267,208 | 4 | 15.78% xxxxxxxx
3 | Saturday | 105 | 345,160 | 17 | 13.69% xxxxxxx
4 | Thursday | 105 | 301,916 | 15 | 13.69% xxxxxxx
5 | Sunday | 100 | 245,340 | 6 | 13.04% xxxxxxx
6 | Monday | 98 | 382,489 | 5 | 12.78% xxxxxx
7 | Friday | 97 | 313,313 | 3 | 12.65% xxxxxx

***** Subjects with most answers *****
num| Subject
| Nb Msg | size | or. | %
1 | Abusive cancel
| 223 | 676,203 | 0 | 29.07% xxxxxxxxxx
2 | Paganini: a rogue server ?
| 102 | 230,617 | 1 | 13.30% xxxx
3 | Google Groups no longer supports new Usenet posts or
subscriptions. Historic ... | 70 | 149,387 | 1 | 9.13% xxx
4 | No spam in these nocems
| 45 | 98,593 | 1 | 5.87% xx
5 | Maybe the news server log doesn't even know what outgoing port I
used? Maybe ... | 41 | 147,975 | 1 | 5.35% x
6 | comp.terminals on paganini
| 25 | 40,082 | 1 | 3.26% x
7 | More Thai spam in comp.lang.cobol
| 20 | 45,262 | 1 | 2.61%
8 | False Positives (Paganini)
| 17 | 39,273 | 1 | 2.22%
9 | Google-groups [was: linked lists in Perl]
| 15 | 37,764 | 1 | 1.96%
10 | Re: new google groups articles still being posted . . .
| 14 | 26,979 | 1 | 1.83%
11 | Abavia and the bot-spam
| 14 | 25,417 | 1 | 1.83%
12 | tool to create nocem message
| 14 | 22,827 | 1 | 1.83%
13 | stats 2024 Jan
| 13 | 75,964 | 1 | 1.69%
14 | google groups announcement
| 13 | 21,204 | 1 | 1.69%
15 | strange message on alt.test
| 12 | 24,359 | 1 | 1.56%
16 | Re: [OT] Google Groups posting gone
| 11 | 26,103 | 1 | 1.43%
17 | yEnc-encoded articles in newsgroups
| 11 | 21,807 | 1 | 1.43%
18 | Re: Who is peering all these spams ostensibly from Google Groups?
| 10 | 19,139 | 1 | 1.30%
19 | Re: google prediction
| 9 | 17,876 | 1 | 1.17%
20 | FAQ: Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines
| 8 | 20,576 | 1 | 1.04%
21 | Spamtroller flooding in sci.crypt
| 7 | 14,911 | 1 | 0.91%
22 | The last unicorn or the rise of the hydra?
| 5 | 9,646 | 1 | 0.65%
23 | Nocem and Spam
| 5 | 8,923 | 1 | 0.65%
24 | the google diaspora
| 5 | 6,200 | 1 | 0.65%
25 | [DOC] NoCeM - What you need to know
| 4 | 10,862 | 1 | 0.52%
26 | Re: ding dong the wicked witch . . . ?
| 4 | 6,126 | 1 | 0.52%
27 | google groups counseling available
| 4 | 5,346 | 1 | 0.52%
28 | Re: <abuse> The Eternal Sucktember of the Wonderfully Hungry
Pillsbury Pope | 4 | 8,482 | 0 | 0.52%
29 | SPAM and abuse complaint regarding NewsDemon and their ilk
| 3 | 12,806 | 1 | 0.39%
30 | A new script...
| 3 | 7,404 | 1 | 0.39%
31 | Re: new google groups articles still being posted . . .
| 3 | 5,664 | 1 | 0.39%
32 | Bright Idea (was Re: Abusive cancel)
| 3 | 5,126 | 1 | 0.39%
33 | [DOC] NoCeM - What you need to know
| 2 | 7,169 | 1 | 0.26%
| 2 | 4,110 | 1 | 0.26%
35 | Re: 32 days . . .
| 2 | 3,171 | 1 | 0.26%
36 | Re: Buy Delta 9 THC Gummies - best delta 9 gummies - delta 9
gummies reddit | 2 | 2,342 | 1 | 0.26%
37 | stats 2023
| 1 | 156,276 | 1 | 0.13%
38 | stats 2024 Feb
| 1 | 32,849 | 1 | 0.13%
39 | FAQ: Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines
| 1 | 8,853 | 1 | 0.13%
40 | FAQ: Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines
| 1 | 8,827 | 1 | 0.13%
41 | FAQ: Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines
| 1 | 8,786 | 1 | 0.13%
42 | FAQ: Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines
| 1 | 8,773 | 1 | 0.13%
43 | FAQ: Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines
| 1 | 8,771 | 1 | 0.13%
44 | FAQ: Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines
| 1 | 8,771 | 1 | 0.13%
45 | FAQ: Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines
| 1 | 8,770 | 1 | 0.13%
46 | FAQ: Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines
| 1 | 8,770 | 1 | 0.13%
47 | FAQ: Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines
| 1 | 8,770 | 1 | 0.13%
48 | FAQ: Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines
| 1 | 8,770 | 1 | 0.13%
49 | FAQ: Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines
| 1 | 8,713 | 1 | 0.13%
50 | FAQ: Current Usenet spam thresholds and guidelines
| 1 | 8,712 | 1 | 0.13%
51 | [DOC] NoCeM - What you need to know
| 1 | 6,004 | 1 | 0.13%
52 | Re: 🏳️‍🌈new google groups articles still being
posted🏳️‍🌈 | 1 | 3,443 | 1 | 0.13%
53 | Spook Troll Tactics and Objectives
| 1 | 2,080 | 1 | 0.13%
54 | Re: ? ????? ???? ??? ??? ???? ???????? ? ????? pg ??????? ???????
????? ???? ... | 1 | 1,787 | 1 | 0.13%
55 | Re: new google groups articles still being posted . . .
| 1 | 1,341 | 1 | 0.13%
56 | google groups/google search
| 1 | 1,070 | 1 | 0.13%
57 | Re: Buy Delta 9 THC Gummies - best delta 9 gummies - delta 9
gummies reddit | 1 | 746 | 1 | 0.13%
58 | Saint Shihtzu : Re-branding Chinese Hunger Torture as a Heavenly
Diet Plan | 1 | 7,356 | 0 | 0.13%

***** Most used Newsreaders (distinct user) *****
num| Newsreader
| Util. | Nb Msg | %
1 | Others
| 20 | 98 | 22.22% xxxxxxxxxx
2 | Mozilla Thunderbird
| 11 | 47 | 12.22% xxxxx
3 | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101
| 3 | 15 | 3.33% x
4 | trn 4.0-test77 (Sep 1, 2010)
| 2 | 60 | 2.22% x
5 | MacSOUP/2.8.6b1 (ed136d9b90) (Mac OS 10.13.6)
| 2 | 6 | 2.22% x
6 | ForteAgent/
| 2 | 3 | 2.22% x
7 | Xnews/2006.08.24
| 2 | 2 | 2.22% x
8 | Xnews/2009.05.01
| 2 | 2 | 2.22% x
9 | Nemo/0.999a
| 1 | 40 | 1.11%
10 | MesNews/
| 1 | 32 | 1.11%
11 | tin/1.6.2-20030910 ("Pabbay") (UNIX)
(CYGWIN_NT-10.0-WOW/2.8.0(0.309/5/3) (i ... | 1 | 28 | 1.11%
12 | Plonkenlights
| 1 | 25 | 1.11%
13 | slrn/pre1.0.4-9 (Linux)
| 1 | 14 | 1.11%
14 | Rocksolid Light
| 1 | 10 | 1.11%
15 | 40tude_Dialog/
| 1 | 10 | 1.11%
16 | tin/2.6.1-20211226 ("Convalmore") (Linux/6.1.21-v7+ (armv7l))
| 1 | 8 | 1.11%
17 | tin/2.4.5-20201224 ("Glen Albyn") (Linux/4.4.0-19041-Microsoft
(x86_64)) | 1 | 7 | 1.11%
18 | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101
| 1 | 6 | 1.11%
19 | Betterbird (Linux)
| 1 | 5 | 1.11%
20 | XanaNews/1.21-f3fb89f (x86; Portable ISpell)
| 1 | 5 | 1.11%
21 | Usenapp for MacOS
| 1 | 4 | 1.11%
22 | ????? St0opey's Favourite Newsreader v1.0 CODENAME: "Stormin'
Gormin" ????? | 1 | 4 | 1.11%
23 | flnews/1.2.0 (for GNU/Linux)
| 1 | 4 | 1.11%
24 | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101
| 1 | 4 | 1.11%
25 | Pan/0.141 (Tarzan's Death; 168b179 git.gnome.org/pan2)
| 1 | 4 | 1.11%
26 | MesNews/
| 1 | 3 | 1.11%
27 | Xnews/5.04.25
| 1 | 3 | 1.11%
28 | Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)
| 1 | 3 | 1.11%
29 | Unison/2.1.10
| 1 | 2 | 1.11%
30 | MicroPlanet-Gravity/3.0.6
| 1 | 2 | 1.11%
31 | Easy News V 2.7B
| 1 | 2 | 1.11%
32 | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101
Thunderbird/45.7.1 | 1 | 2 | 1.11%
33 | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101
| 1 | 2 | 1.11%
34 | Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/28.2 (gnu/linux)
| 1 | 2 | 1.11%
35 | Claws Mail 4.2.0git6 (GTK 3.24.33; x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
| 1 | 2 | 1.11%
36 | Pan/0.157 (Rhensi; fc5a80b8)
| 1 | 2 | 1.11%
37 | paganini2
| 1 | 1 | 1.11%
38 | Pan/0.154 (Izium; 517acf4)
| 1 | 1 | 1.11%
39 | tin/2.0.1-20111224 ("Achenvoir") (UNIX) (Linux/2.4.31 (i586))
| 1 | 1 | 1.11%
40 | Epyrus/2.1.2
| 1 | 1 | 1.11%
41 | MacCafe/3.02b3a (macOS 10.14.6 (18G9323) - iMac13,1)
| 1 | 1 | 1.11%
42 | Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:115.0)
| 1 | 1 | 1.11%
43 | paganini.bofh.team
| 1 | 1 | 1.11%
44 | Forte Agent 1.93/32.576 English (American)
| 1 | 1 | 1.11%
45 | NewsTap/5.5 (iPhone/iPod Touch)
| 1 | 1 | 1.11%
46 | Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:102.0)
Gecko/20100101 Thund ... | 1 | 1 | 1.11%
47 | XanaNews/ (x86; Portable ISpell)
| 1 | 1 | 1.11%
48 | tin/2.4.5-20201224 ("Glen Albyn") (Linux/5.10.19-200.fc33.x86_64
(x86_64)) | 1 | 1 | 1.11%
49 | www.neodome.net
| 1 | 1 | 1.11%
50 | news.trigofacile.com
| 1 | 1 | 1.11%
51 | Usenapp/0.93/l for MacOS - Full License
| 1 | 1 | 1.11%
52 | NewsPortal/0.52.a8
| 1 | 1 | 1.11%
53 | news.i2pn2.org
| 1 | 1 | 1.11%
54 | spitfire-nntp.fr
| 1 | 1 | 1.11%

***** Most used Newsreaders (summary) *****
num| Newsreader | Nb Msg | size | or. | %
1 | Others | 98 | 260,345 | 21 | 20.16% xxxxxxxxxx
2 | trn | 60 | 144,786 | 0 | 12.35% xxxxxx
3 | Mozilla Thunderbird | 47 | 96,638 | 3 | 9.67% xxxx
4 | tin | 45 | 115,744 | 1 | 9.26% xxxx
5 | Nemo | 40 | 83,525 | 0 | 8.23% xxxx
6 | MesNews | 35 | 296,929 | 7 | 7.20% xxx
7 | Mozilla | 31 | 85,774 | 1 | 6.38% xxx
8 | Plonkenlights | 25 | 50,388 | 1 | 5.14% xx
9 | slrn | 14 | 33,404 | 0 | 2.88% x
10 | Rocksolid Light | 10 | 26,113 | 0 | 2.06% x
11 | 40tude_Dialog | 10 | 17,961 | 0 | 2.06% x
12 | Xnews | 7 | 22,182 | 0 | 1.44%
13 | Pan | 7 | 15,408 | 0 | 1.44%
14 | MacSOUP | 6 | 16,224 | 1 | 1.23%
15 | XanaNews | 6 | 12,400 | 0 | 1.23%
16 | Betterbird (Linux) | 5 | 13,305 | 0 | 1.03%
17 | Gnus | 5 | 10,253 | 0 | 1.03%
18 | Usenapp for MacOS | 4 | 8,512 | 2 | 0.82%
19 | ????? St | 4 | 14,886 | 1 | 0.82%
20 | flnews | 4 | 10,455 | 0 | 0.82%
21 | ForteAgent | 3 | 5,672 | 0 | 0.62%
22 | Unison | 2 | 3,342 | 1 | 0.41%
23 | MicroPlanet-Gravity | 2 | 5,313 | 0 | 0.41%
24 | Easy News V | 2 | 4,617 | 0 | 0.41%
25 | Claws Mail | 2 | 3,701 | 0 | 0.41%
26 | paganini | 1 | 4,079 | 1 | 0.21%
27 | Epyrus | 1 | 2,984 | 0 | 0.21%
28 | MacCafe | 1 | 2,938 | 0 | 0.21%
29 | paganini.bofh.team | 1 | 2,500 | 0 | 0.21%
30 | Forte Agent | 1 | 2,127 | 0 | 0.21%
31 | NewsTap | 1 | 2,093 | 0 | 0.21%
32 | www.neodome.net | 1 | 1,689 | 0 | 0.21%
33 | news.trigofacile.com | 1 | 1,683 | 0 | 0.21%
34 | Usenapp | 1 | 1,671 | 0 | 0.21%
35 | NewsPortal | 1 | 1,521 | 0 | 0.21%
36 | news.i2pn2.org | 1 | 1,312 | 0 | 0.21%
37 | spitfire-nntp.fr | 1 | 1,288 | 0 | 0.21%

***** Most used Newsreader (résumé, by user) *****
num| Newsreader | Util. | Nb Msg | %
1 | Others | 20 | 98 | 22.22% xxxxxxxxxx
2 | Mozilla Thunderbird | 11 | 47 | 12.22% xxxxx
3 | Mozilla | 9 | 31 | 10.00% xxxx
4 | tin | 5 | 45 | 5.56% xx
5 | Xnews | 5 | 7 | 5.56% xx
6 | Pan | 3 | 7 | 3.33% x
7 | trn | 2 | 60 | 2.22% x
8 | MesNews | 2 | 35 | 2.22% x
9 | MacSOUP | 2 | 6 | 2.22% x
10 | XanaNews | 2 | 6 | 2.22% x
11 | Gnus | 2 | 5 | 2.22% x
12 | ForteAgent | 2 | 3 | 2.22% x
13 | Nemo | 1 | 40 | 1.11%
14 | Plonkenlights | 1 | 25 | 1.11%
15 | slrn | 1 | 14 | 1.11%
16 | Rocksolid Light | 1 | 10 | 1.11%
17 | 40tude_Dialog | 1 | 10 | 1.11%
18 | Betterbird (Linux) | 1 | 5 | 1.11%
19 | Usenapp for MacOS | 1 | 4 | 1.11%
20 | ????? St | 1 | 4 | 1.11%
21 | flnews | 1 | 4 | 1.11%
22 | Unison | 1 | 2 | 1.11%
23 | MicroPlanet-Gravity | 1 | 2 | 1.11%
24 | Easy News V | 1 | 2 | 1.11%
25 | Claws Mail | 1 | 2 | 1.11%
26 | paganini2 | 1 | 1 | 1.11%
27 | Epyrus | 1 | 1 | 1.11%
28 | MacCafe | 1 | 1 | 1.11%
29 | paganini.bofh.team | 1 | 1 | 1.11%
30 | Forte Agent | 1 | 1 | 1.11%
31 | NewsTap | 1 | 1 | 1.11%
32 | www.neodome.net | 1 | 1 | 1.11%
33 | news.trigofacile.com | 1 | 1 | 1.11%
34 | Usenapp | 1 | 1 | 1.11%
35 | NewsPortal | 1 | 1 | 1.11%
36 | news.i2pn2.org | 1 | 1 | 1.11%
37 | spitfire-nntp.fr | 1 | 1 | 1.11%

***** Summary results *****
Total found messages : 767 for 91 days
New threads : 55
Total replies : 712
Total modified threads : 58
Total size : 2203933 bytes (2,152.28 KB)
Total lines : 30721 lines
Total users : 92
Average number of messages by user : 8.34
Average size of messages by user : 23,955.79 bytes (23.39 KB))
Average number of lines by user : 333.92
The numbers prove that usenet is not dying
This email has been checked for viruses by AVG antivirus software.
Thomas Hochstein
2024-04-01 10:48:09 UTC
Post by The Doctor
Group : news.admin.net-abuse.usenet
Statistics : from 1/1/2024 to 3/31/2024
If you find it necessary to post those statistics, could you do that
without mangling them that badly?
2024-04-01 15:16:34 UTC
Post by Thomas Hochstein
Post by The Doctor
Group : news.admin.net-abuse.usenet
Statistics : from 1/1/2024 to 3/31/2024
If you find it necessary to post those statistics, could you do that
without mangling them that badly?
What do you mean by mangling?
user <candycane> is generated from /dev/urandom
The Doctor
2024-04-01 17:11:49 UTC
Post by Thomas Hochstein
Post by The Doctor
Group : news.admin.net-abuse.usenet
Statistics : from 1/1/2024 to 3/31/2024
If you find it necessary to post those statistics, could you do that
without mangling them that badly?
How did I mangle it?
Member - Liberal International This is ***@nk.ca Ici ***@nk.ca
Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ; unsubscribe from Google Groups to be seen
What worth the power of law that won't stop lawlessness? -unknown
Grant Taylor
2024-04-02 00:14:43 UTC
Post by The Doctor
How did I mangle it?
Something seems to be eating specific select white space.

It's most predominant when the line is wrapped and continued on the next
line. But it's also visible in the first four characters of the
unwrapped lines.

This is what I see in Thunderbird. -- I can't rule out a Thunderbird


This is what I see in the source for the same lines of the article.


Unwrapped source


I also question the value of these messages.

I similarly question the value of the Usenet FAQ and the monthly stats
articles are far more numerous. Sometimes they are even repeated in the
same newsgroup.

I've considered filtering them at my news server. I just haven't found
sufficient round-2-its to do so /yet/.

These articles aren't discussions in and of themselves. Just about
every reply I've seen to them has been more of a complaint or discussion
about the complaint.
Grant. . . .
Grant Taylor
2024-04-02 00:18:41 UTC
Post by Grant Taylor
I also question the value of these messages.
Post by Grant Taylor
These articles aren't discussions in and of themselves.  Just about
every reply I've seen to them has been more of a complaint or discussion
about the complaint.
What's more is that these articles -- thankfully -- aren't posted to
every newsgroup. So there seems to be some selection criteria.

As such it makes me wonder if it's newsgroups that The Doctor is
subscribing to and if it might be his reader that's posting them.

Which makes them seem even less official and more noise hedging on spam.
Grant. . . .
R Daneel Olivaw
2024-04-02 08:07:11 UTC
Post by Grant Taylor
Post by The Doctor
How did I mangle it?
Something seems to be eating specific select white space.
It's most predominant when the line is wrapped and continued on the next
line.  But it's also visible in the first four characters of the
unwrapped lines.
This is what I see in Thunderbird.  --  I can't rule out a Thunderbird
This is what I see in the source for the same lines of the article.
Unwrapped source
I also question the value of these messages.
I similarly question the value of the Usenet FAQ and the monthly stats
articles are far more numerous.  Sometimes they are even repeated in the
same newsgroup.
I've considered filtering them at my news server.  I just haven't found
sufficient round-2-its to do so /yet/.
These articles aren't discussions in and of themselves.  Just about
every reply I've seen to them has been more of a complaint or discussion
about the complaint.
I'm using Seamonkey (which The Doctor does not recognise) and everything
looks fine apart from the "Subjects with most answers" table. All the
entries go over two lines. Big deal. Apart from that, this mail comes
once every three months so what's the point in filtering it?
The Doctor
2024-04-02 16:12:40 UTC
Post by Grant Taylor
Post by Grant Taylor
Post by The Doctor
How did I mangle it?
Something seems to be eating specific select white space.
It's most predominant when the line is wrapped and continued on the next
line.  But it's also visible in the first four characters of the
unwrapped lines.
This is what I see in Thunderbird.  --  I can't rule out a Thunderbird
Post by Grant Taylor
This is what I see in the source for the same lines of the article.
Post by Grant Taylor
Unwrapped source
Post by Grant Taylor
I also question the value of these messages.
I similarly question the value of the Usenet FAQ and the monthly stats
articles are far more numerous.  Sometimes they are even repeated in the
same newsgroup.
I've considered filtering them at my news server.  I just haven't found
sufficient round-2-its to do so /yet/.
These articles aren't discussions in and of themselves.  Just about
every reply I've seen to them has been more of a complaint or discussion
about the complaint.
I'm using Seamonkey (which The Doctor does not recognise) and everything
looks fine apart from the "Subjects with most answers" table. All the
entries go over two lines. Big deal. Apart from that, this mail comes
once every three months so what's the point in filtering it?
Mail? do you what the difference between mail and a usenet post is?
Member - Liberal International This is ***@nk.ca Ici ***@nk.ca
Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ; unsubscribe from Google Groups to be seen
What worth the power of law that won't stop lawlessness? -unknown
Grant Taylor
2024-04-03 03:50:25 UTC
Apart from that, this mail comes once every three months so what's the
point in filtering it?
Seeing 30-60 of them at a time across as many newsgroups quickly gets
Grant. . . .
2024-04-02 10:12:15 UTC
Post by Grant Taylor
Post by The Doctor
How did I mangle it?
Something seems to be eating specific select white space.
FWIW the stats are not mangled on my newsreader. (XanaNews)
Post by Grant Taylor
It's most predominant when the line is wrapped and continued
on the next line. But it's also visible in the first four
characters of the unwrapped lines.
This is what I see in Thunderbird. -- I can't rule out a
Thunderbird problem.
Not seeing it here anyway so it's possibly the latter.
Post by Grant Taylor
I also question the value of these messages.
Some people might find them informative.
Post by Grant Taylor
I similarly question the value of the Usenet FAQ and the
monthly stats articles are far more numerous. Sometimes they
are even repeated in the same newsgroup.
Too often and the stats posts can get annoying, quarterly and
yearly would suffice. But they don't seem to do any harm... and
I'm sure there are stat nerds out there that like that sort of
Post by Grant Taylor
I've considered filtering them at my news server. I just
haven't found sufficient round-2-its to do so yet.
These articles aren't discussions in and of themselves. Just
about every reply I've seen to them has been more of a
complaint or discussion about the complaint.
Easily skipped, ignored ... or filtered.
Adam H. Kerman
2024-04-02 15:28:12 UTC
Post by Blueshirt
Post by Grant Taylor
Post by The Doctor
How did I mangle it?
Something seems to be eating specific select white space.
FWIW the stats are not mangled on my newsreader. (XanaNews)
The table was mostly long lines and doesn't display properly on an 80
character wide terminal emulation. But you had already observed that. I
didn't spot the substitution of non-ASCII whitespace but that's likely
to be another problem.
Post by Blueshirt
Post by Grant Taylor
It's most predominant when the line is wrapped and continued
on the next line. But it's also visible in the first four
characters of the unwrapped lines.
This is what I see in Thunderbird. -- I can't rule out a
Thunderbird problem.
Not seeing it here anyway so it's possibly the latter.
Post by Grant Taylor
I also question the value of these messages.
Some people might find them informative.
Thank you for including that comprehensive list of Usenet readers who
find that yads makes an invaluable contribution. That was helpful.
Post by Blueshirt
Post by Grant Taylor
I similarly question the value of the Usenet FAQ and the
monthly stats articles are far more numerous. Sometimes they
are even repeated in the same newsgroup.
Too often and the stats posts can get annoying, quarterly and
yearly would suffice. But they don't seem to do any harm... and
I'm sure there are stat nerds out there that like that sort of
No one likes that sort of thing. It's all about yads and his need to
maintain an excessively high poast count in certain newsgroups.

I was top ranked. What does that tell us? I rambled on, got into an
excessively long useless discussion defending NoCeMs. Did readers not
already figure that out without yads?

As yads is not going to bake me a cake, there is just no way to defend
anything he does. Always deyadify.
Post by Blueshirt
Post by Grant Taylor
. . .
2024-04-02 15:47:58 UTC
Post by Adam H. Kerman
As yads is not going to bake me a cake, there is just no way
to defend anything he does. Always deyadify.
That's why newsreaders have Bozo Bins and filters... ;-)
The Doctor
2024-04-02 16:14:02 UTC
Post by Blueshirt
Post by Adam H. Kerman
As yads is not going to bake me a cake, there is just no way
to defend anything he does. Always deyadify.
That's why newsreaders have Bozo Bins and filters... ;-)
What cake does Adam want?
Member - Liberal International This is ***@nk.ca Ici ***@nk.ca
Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ; unsubscribe from Google Groups to be seen
What worth the power of law that won't stop lawlessness? -unknown
Adam H. Kerman
2024-04-02 17:00:39 UTC
Post by Blueshirt
Post by Adam H. Kerman
As yads is not going to bake me a cake, there is just no way
to defend anything he does. Always deyadify.
That's why newsreaders have Bozo Bins and filters... ;-)
Killfiling in one newsgroup was less effective than I liked. I began to
subscribe to a number of newsgroups from which regulars were
crossposting into the newsgroup I read. I enter those newsgroups simply
to mark everything as read, which includes references to crossposts in
other newsgroups. To deyadify, I mark everything in rec.arts.drwho as
read, so I'm junking your articles too. The main topic of that newsgroup
is discussing yads, and crosspoting in followup to yads.

But yads multiposts the useless statistics so I havent succeeded in
deyadifying everywhere.
2024-04-02 17:17:47 UTC
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Post by Blueshirt
Post by Adam H. Kerman
As yads is not going to bake me a cake, there is just no
way to defend anything he does. Always deyadify.
That's why newsreaders have Bozo Bins and filters... ;-)
Killfiling in one newsgroup was less effective than I liked. I
began to subscribe to a number of newsgroups from which
regulars were crossposting into the newsgroup I read. I enter
those newsgroups simply to mark everything as read, which
includes references to crossposts in other newsgroups. To
My killfile worked with Tim! Then Google decided to take over
and do the job properly.
Post by Adam H. Kerman
To deyadify, I mark everything in rec.arts.drwho as read, so
I'm junking your articles too.
I know I might have missed something... but, if you mark
everything as read in a newsgroup without actually reading the
posts, why bother subscribing to that group in the first place?!
Post by Adam H. Kerman
The main topic of that newsgroup is discussing yads,
and crosspoting in followup to yads.
We're doing Easter today... call back in May when "Season One"
Post by Adam H. Kerman
But yads multiposts the useless statistics so I havent
succeeded in deyadifying everywhere.
I say, aim for the top and demand cake !
Adam H. Kerman
2024-04-02 17:27:23 UTC
Post by Blueshirt
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Post by Blueshirt
Post by Adam H. Kerman
As yads is not going to bake me a cake, there is just no
way to defend anything he does. Always deyadify.
That's why newsreaders have Bozo Bins and filters... ;-)
Killfiling in one newsgroup was less effective than I liked. I
began to subscribe to a number of newsgroups from which
regulars were crossposting into the newsgroup I read. I enter
those newsgroups simply to mark everything as read, which
includes references to crossposts in other newsgroups. To
My killfile worked with Tim! Then Google decided to take over
and do the job properly.
Tim was prevented from crossposting by Google Groups; nothing to do with
what I'm talking about.
Post by Blueshirt
Post by Adam H. Kerman
To deyadify, I mark everything in rec.arts.drwho as read, so
I'm junking your articles too.
I know I might have missed something... but, if you mark
everything as read in a newsgroup without actually reading the
posts, why bother subscribing to that group in the first place?!
I am taking action against unwanted articles and unwanted entire threads
being crossposted into a newsgroup that I want to read. Crossposting
harms newsgroups. I junk the crossposted articles in a newsgroup that I
don't want to read first, which updates references to the article in
each newsgroup it was crossposted into. Then when I enter the newsgroup
I want to read, there are no more unwanted crossposts. It was more
effective than killfiling.
Post by Blueshirt
Post by Adam H. Kerman
. . .
Grant Taylor
2024-04-03 03:55:20 UTC
I junk the crossposted articles in a newsgroup that I don't want to
read first, which updates references to the article in each newsgroup
it was crossposted into. Then when I enter the newsgroup I want to
read, there are no more unwanted crossposts. It was more effective
than killfiling.
I think you're relying on a feature that inferior news client's don't
have. That being when you mark a messages that is cross posted to
multiple groups as read in one group, it is also marked as read in the
other newsgroups that it's cross posted to.
Grant. . . .
Adam H. Kerman
2024-04-03 22:17:29 UTC
Post by Grant Taylor
I junk the crossposted articles in a newsgroup that I don't want to
read first, which updates references to the article in each newsgroup
it was crossposted into. Then when I enter the newsgroup I want to
read, there are no more unwanted crossposts. It was more effective
than killfiling.
I think you're relying on a feature that inferior news client's don't
have. That being when you mark a messages that is cross posted to
multiple groups as read in one group, it is also marked as read in the
other newsgroups that it's cross posted to.
Seriously? I had no idea users put up with newsreaders that don't chase

Then why do I get so much grief for using trn4? It makes reading Usenet
ever so much more enjoyable.
The Doctor
2024-04-02 21:04:56 UTC
Post by Blueshirt
Post by Adam H. Kerman
Post by Blueshirt
Post by Adam H. Kerman
As yads is not going to bake me a cake, there is just no
way to defend anything he does. Always deyadify.
That's why newsreaders have Bozo Bins and filters... ;-)
Killfiling in one newsgroup was less effective than I liked. I
began to subscribe to a number of newsgroups from which
regulars were crossposting into the newsgroup I read. I enter
those newsgroups simply to mark everything as read, which
includes references to crossposts in other newsgroups. To
My killfile worked with Tim! Then Google decided to take over
and do the job properly.
Post by Adam H. Kerman
To deyadify, I mark everything in rec.arts.drwho as read, so
I'm junking your articles too.
I know I might have missed something... but, if you mark
everything as read in a newsgroup without actually reading the
posts, why bother subscribing to that group in the first place?!
Post by Adam H. Kerman
The main topic of that newsgroup is discussing yads,
and crosspoting in followup to yads.
We're doing Easter today... call back in May when "Season One"
Post by Adam H. Kerman
But yads multiposts the useless statistics so I havent
succeeded in deyadifying everywhere.
I say, aim for the top and demand cake !
What cake would you like?
Member - Liberal International This is ***@nk.ca Ici ***@nk.ca
Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ; unsubscribe from Google Groups to be seen
What worth the power of law that won't stop lawlessness? -unknown
2024-04-02 15:40:03 UTC
Post by Blueshirt
Post by Grant Taylor
Post by The Doctor
How did I mangle it?
Something seems to be eating specific select white space.
FWIW the stats are not mangled on my newsreader. (XanaNews)
Not mangled on mine either (slrn)
Post by Blueshirt
Post by Grant Taylor
It's most predominant when the line is wrapped and continued
on the next line. But it's also visible in the first four
characters of the unwrapped lines.
This is what I see in Thunderbird. -- I can't rule out a
Thunderbird problem.
Not seeing it here anyway so it's possibly the latter.
Post by Grant Taylor
I also question the value of these messages.
Some people might find them informative.
I enjoy looking at them, and they're easy to ignore/filter locally if
you don't care.
Post by Blueshirt
Post by Grant Taylor
I similarly question the value of the Usenet FAQ and the
monthly stats articles are far more numerous. Sometimes they
are even repeated in the same newsgroup.
Too often and the stats posts can get annoying, quarterly and
yearly would suffice. But they don't seem to do any harm... and
I'm sure there are stat nerds out there that like that sort of
Post by Grant Taylor
I've considered filtering them at my news server. I just
haven't found sufficient round-2-its to do so yet.
These articles aren't discussions in and of themselves. Just
about every reply I've seen to them has been more of a
complaint or discussion about the complaint.
Easily skipped, ignored ... or filtered.
user <candycane> is generated from /dev/urandom
2024-04-02 15:56:28 UTC
Post by candycanearter07
Post by Blueshirt
Post by Grant Taylor
I also question the value of these messages.
Some people might find them informative.
I enjoy looking at them, and they're easy to ignore/filter
locally if you don't care.

I tend to ignore them mostly, but either way I wouldn't call
stat posts abuse of Usenet.

Now that we've lost the GG injected spam life on most newsgroups
is fairly calm and a pleasure to peruse, so it is easy enough to
just ignore the noise.
2024-04-02 19:00:13 UTC
Post by Blueshirt
Post by candycanearter07
Post by Blueshirt
Post by Grant Taylor
I also question the value of these messages.
Some people might find them informative.
I enjoy looking at them, and they're easy to ignore/filter
locally if you don't care.
I tend to ignore them mostly, but either way I wouldn't call
stat posts abuse of Usenet.
Now that we've lost the GG injected spam life on most newsgroups
is fairly calm and a pleasure to peruse, so it is easy enough to
just ignore the noise.
Yeah, and thank goodness for that.
user <candycane> is generated from /dev/urandom
Grant Taylor
2024-04-03 04:24:48 UTC
Post by candycanearter07
I enjoy looking at them, and they're easy to ignore/filter locally
if you don't care.
Mostly, and not as much as one might hope.

Either I have to duplicate the filter (to mark the messages as read)
across many, but not all, newsgroups, or I have to do it at the news
server level to apply to all newsgroups.

The Doctor usually has enough content to keep from being ignored
completely. But my usual M.O. is to block senders and not have a more
custom filter that is sender and subject.

Maybe I can do a filter that is subject starts with stats. But that
feels overly simplistic.

If other people find value in the messages, then so be it. I'll filter
Grant. . . .
2024-04-03 14:50:12 UTC
Post by Grant Taylor
Post by candycanearter07
I enjoy looking at them, and they're easy to ignore/filter locally
if you don't care.
Mostly, and not as much as one might hope.
Either I have to duplicate the filter (to mark the messages as read)
across many, but not all, newsgroups, or I have to do it at the news
server level to apply to all newsgroups.
The Doctor usually has enough content to keep from being ignored
completely. But my usual M.O. is to block senders and not have a more
custom filter that is sender and subject.
Maybe I can do a filter that is subject starts with stats. But that
feels overly simplistic.
If other people find value in the messages, then so be it. I'll filter
Maybe "stats 202"? or "stats 202[0-9]" if your reader supports regex.
Then again, you would have to change it in 6 years.
user <candycane> is generated from /dev/urandom
Olivier Miakinen
2024-04-02 16:06:35 UTC
Hello The Doctor,
Post by The Doctor
Post by Thomas Hochstein
Post by The Doctor
Group : news.admin.net-abuse.usenet
Statistics : from 1/1/2024 to 3/31/2024
If you find it necessary to post those statistics, could you do that
without mangling them that badly?
How did I mangle it?
The problem is with the format flowed, which makes impossible to send lines
of more than 79 characters as soon as they contain at least one space. See

Of course, the newsreaders that are prepared (and configured to) understand
the format flowed don't see any problem since it is preciseley the purpose
of this format. But for older newsreaders, or for users who deactivate this
format they dislike, the mangling is real : <Loading Image...>.

With MesNews, I don't think that you can tell your newsreader to *not* use
the format flowed for sending. But maybe you can do it with tin if you
increase the maximal length of the lines.

Best Regards,
Olivier Miakinen
Olivier Miakinen
2024-04-02 16:52:55 UTC
Post by Olivier Miakinen
Of course, the newsreaders that are prepared (and configured to) understand
the format flowed don't see any problem since it is preciseley the purpose
of this format.
Actually, it seems that there is also a (lesser) problem that only affects
the newsreaders which accept the format flowed, because apparently your
MesNews did not do the "space-stuffing" :

<cit. (only the first characters of the lines)>
num| Name | Nb Msg |
1 | Adam H. Kerman | 78 |

In format flowed, the space before "num" should have been doubled, and the
two spaces before "1" should have been three. Indeed, this indentation
stays correct for those who don't accept format flowed for reading, but
for the others it will be rendered shifted :

num| Name | Nb Msg |
1 | Adam H. Kerman | 78 |
Olivier Miakinen
Grant Taylor
2024-04-03 04:19:13 UTC
Post by Olivier Miakinen
Actually, it seems that there is also a (lesser) problem that only affects
the newsreaders which accept the format flowed, because apparently your
<cit. (only the first characters of the lines)>
num| Name | Nb Msg |
1 | Adam H. Kerman | 78 |
This more aptly describes what I'm seeing.

My news reader does format flowed.
Post by Olivier Miakinen
In format flowed, the space before "num" should have been doubled, and the
two spaces before "1" should have been three. Indeed, this indentation
stays correct for those who don't accept format flowed for reading, but
num| Name | Nb Msg |
1 | Adam H. Kerman | 78 |
I want to agree, but I think what you say is contrary to section 4.4 of
RFC 2646 which you linked to.
Post by Olivier Miakinen
Space-stuffing adds a single space to the start of any line which
needs protection when the message is generated.
Post by Olivier Miakinen
On reception, if the first character of a line is a space, it is
logically deleted.
Post by Olivier Miakinen
This occurs after the test for a quoted line, and before the test
for a flowed line.
Hum. So the logical deletion "occurs after the test for a quoted line".

But the lines in The Doctor's original message aren't quoted. Maybe
it's a difference in what "a quoted line" is.

Section 4.5 of RFC 2464 defines quoting as "one or more close angle
brackets (">").

Aside: I'm used to seeing the space after the close angle bracket, but
maybe that's just convention and not a technical requirement.
Grant. . . .
Olivier Miakinen
2024-04-03 09:26:11 UTC
Post by Grant Taylor
Post by Olivier Miakinen
Actually, it seems that there is also a (lesser) problem that only affects
the newsreaders which accept the format flowed, because apparently your
<cit. (only the first characters of the lines)>
num| Name | Nb Msg |
1 | Adam H. Kerman | 78 |
This more aptly describes what I'm seeing.
My news reader does format flowed.
Post by Olivier Miakinen
In format flowed, the space before "num" should have been doubled, and the
two spaces before "1" should have been three. Indeed, this indentation
stays correct for those who don't accept format flowed for reading, but
num| Name | Nb Msg |
1 | Adam H. Kerman | 78 |
I want to agree, but I think what you say is contrary to section 4.4 of
RFC 2646 which you linked to.
It is rather difficult to discuss about this format, between you who uses it
and me who does not. Rather than giving examples (because they will probably
be mangled), I prefer explaining the rules and how they are respected or not.

1) Flowed-aware softwares (without bug) sending format=flowed
Sender MUST space-stuff lines, in particular double any leading space.
And lines that are too long can be breaked with soft-breaks.

2) Flowed-aware softwares which receive format=flowed
They remove any leading space, thus undoing the space-stuff. So the lines
are correctly aligned if the space-stuffing was correctly done.
And they also join lines having soft-breaks, thus reconstituting original
long lines.

3) Non flowed-aware softwares which receive format=flowed
They do not remove the leading spaces, so there can be a misalignment
between lines which begin with a space and lines which don't.
Also they do not join lines having soft breaks, thus mangling the
expected result.

1bis) The Doctor's MesNews
The lines that are too long were breaked with soft-breaks.
But the lines beginning with a space were *not* space-stuffed.

2bis) Flowed-aware softwares which receive The Doctor's post
The lines are correctly joined.
But there is a misalignment between lines according to the presence
or absence of a leading space.

3bis) Non flowed-aware softwares which receive The Doctor's post
The lines are not joined, hence the big mangling.
However the identation is correct between lines according to the
presence or absence of a leading space.

Final note : as you said, the lines in The Doctor's message aren't
quoted, hence the rules of RFC 2646 concerning quotations are
irrelevant to the bug that I pointed out.

Best Regards,
Olivier Miakinen
Grant Taylor
2024-04-04 01:27:30 UTC
Post by Olivier Miakinen
It is rather difficult to discuss about this format, between you who
uses it and me who does not. Rather than giving examples (because
they will probably be mangled), I prefer explaining the rules and
how they are respected or not.

I'll say that I've been both using and advocating for foramt=flowed for
many decades.

I even have a script that I run that will (re)flow content in the clipboard.

I go out of my way to use format=flowed.
Post by Olivier Miakinen
1) Flowed-aware softwares (without bug) sending format=flowed Sender
MUST space-stuff lines, in particular double any leading space.
And lines that are too long can be breaked with soft-breaks.
I'd have to go back to RFCs to know for sure, but I think there is some
criteria for when space stuffing is and is not done.

I thought, but could be misremembering, it had to do with if the
previous physical line ends with a space or not.
Post by Olivier Miakinen
2) Flowed-aware softwares which receive format=flowed They remove any
leading space, thus undoing the space-stuff. So the lines are correctly
aligned if the space-stuffing was correctly done. And they also join
lines having soft-breaks, thus reconstituting original long lines.
Same as above, I thought there was criteria for when to undo space stuffing.
Post by Olivier Miakinen
3) Non flowed-aware softwares which receive format=flowed They do
not remove the leading spaces, so there can be a misalignment between
lines which begin with a space and lines which don't. Also they do
not join lines having soft breaks, thus mangling the expected result.
Post by Olivier Miakinen
1bis) The Doctor's MesNews
The lines that are too long were breaked with soft-breaks. But the
lines beginning with a space were *not* space-stuffed.
2bis) Flowed-aware softwares which receive The Doctor's post
The lines are correctly joined. But there is a misalignment between
lines according to the presence or absence of a leading space.
I have seen some issue related to leading spaces / space stuffing.

But that doesn't account for content that's all on a given physical
line. Admittedly the cases that I've seen in this thread are latter
halfs of long lines that have been broken. But the misalignment is
within a physical line. This is most apparent with the number of spaces
around numbers in latter columns of the stats.
Post by Olivier Miakinen
3bis) Non flowed-aware softwares which receive The Doctor's post
The lines are not joined, hence the big mangling. However the
identation is correct between lines according to the presence or
absence of a leading space.
Post by Olivier Miakinen
Final note : as you said, the lines in The Doctor's message aren't
quoted, hence the rules of RFC 2646 concerning quotations are
irrelevant to the bug that I pointed out.
Grant. . . .
2024-04-04 17:49:49 UTC
[cut: A discussion about a newsreader bug or not]
Isn't there a more appropriate thematic group to talk about this ?
Admin of news.usenet.ovh
Olivier Miakinen
2024-04-04 18:22:01 UTC
Post by llp
[cut: A discussion about a newsreader bug or not]
Isn't there a more appropriate thematic group to talk about this ?
In the French-speaking hierarchy, yes. I proposed tests on fr.test, and reported
the bugs found on fr.comp.usenet.lecteurs-de-news. And your question, in the
French-speaking hierarchy, would have been on-topic on fr.bienvenue.

But on the Big8 I don't know. If you have suggestions, please feel free to
tell what they are. Though it is a bit too late now for the tests and the
bug reports because all the answers have already been given, don't hesitate
to share your thoughts.

fr.test -> ?
fr.comp.usenet.lecteurs-de-news -> ?
fr.bienvenue -> ?

Also, don't forget to do a crosspost and a followup to this equivalent of
fr.bienvenue, this group which would be appropriate for any question on the
form "which is the appropriate thematic group for a given subject".

Best Regards,
Olivier Miakinen
2024-04-04 20:53:22 UTC
Post by llp
[cut: A discussion about a newsreader bug or not]
Isn't there a more appropriate thematic group to talk about this ?
In the French-speaking hierarchy, yes. I proposed [cut blabla]
But on the Big8 I don't know.
Your answer must be an April 1st joke because I can't believe
you've lied again, like on "fr" hierarchy [1]

You've already posted on news.software.readers and news.software.nntp
So you know the big8.

Best Regards.

[1] A lie: <uu3i88$m6f$***@cabale.usenet-fr.net>
and the proof of lies: <uu72tp$f4vm$***@dont-email.me>
Admin of news.usenet.ovh
Grant Taylor
2024-04-03 04:06:38 UTC
Post by Olivier Miakinen
The problem is with the format flowed, which makes impossible to send
lines of more than 79 characters as soon as they contain at least
one space. See <https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2646>.
It may be related to format flowed. But I don't believe that format
flowed prevents lines of more than 79 characters.... There are
conventions about what character count on the line to do the format
flowed split. But a convention is a convention and can be changed.
I've done format flowed at 25 characters and I've done format flowed at
256 characters.

The logical line is as long as the window will support if there is
enough source data to fill the line.

The physical line is at or below the character count as long as there is
a space character to break / wrap the line.
Post by Olivier Miakinen
Of course, the newsreaders that are prepared (and configured to)
understand the format flowed don't see any problem
Um, flag on the post. I'm using format flowed and I do see the problem.

Perhaps your algorithm is correct but the input and output is reversed?
Post by Olivier Miakinen
since it is preciseley the purpose of this format. But for older
newsreaders, or for users who deactivate this format they dislike,
the mangling is real : <https://i.goopics.net/vruq6c.png>.
That is much more severe mangling than I see.

The errors that I'm seeing aren't at the wrap point for format flowed
either. What I'm seeing is most evident between the 4th & 5th and the
5th & 6th columns. What should probably be a straight line of pipe
characters isn't. This is in both the format flow unwrapped logical
line from multiple physical lines and the physical lines in the message
Grant. . . .
Olivier Miakinen
2024-04-03 08:58:13 UTC
Post by Grant Taylor
Post by Olivier Miakinen
The problem is with the format flowed, which makes impossible to send
lines of more than 79 characters as soon as they contain at least
one space. See <https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2646>.
It may be related to format flowed. But I don't believe that format
flowed prevents lines of more than 79 characters.... There are
conventions about what character count on the line to do the format
flowed split. But a convention is a convention and can be changed.
I've done format flowed at 25 characters and I've done format flowed at
256 characters.
Indeed, even though it is not a mere convention in RFC 2646, it is a
SHOULD and not a MUST. According to BCP 14 (RFC 2119) it *may exist*
valid reasons to ignore this SHOULD, and the specific configuration of
a newsreader may be considered to be a valid reason.

So, The Doctor could consider extending the maximum length before sending
their stats (here I do not discuss on the subject to the interest of such
stats, another discussion exists in parallel).
Post by Grant Taylor
Post by Olivier Miakinen
Of course, the newsreaders that are prepared (and configured to)
understand the format flowed don't see any problem
Um, flag on the post. I'm using format flowed and I do see the problem.
At the time of my first post, I had only seen the *big* problem for those
who do not accept the format flowed in reading. But afterwards I saw
another (lesser) problem for those who read the format flowed. I tried
to launch a discussion about this bug in a French-speaking newsgroup
because the developer of MesNews is French, but I believe that Arnaud does
not really support this software anymore.

Best Regards,
Olivier Miakinen
The Doctor
2024-04-03 14:52:05 UTC
Post by Olivier Miakinen
Post by Grant Taylor
Post by Olivier Miakinen
The problem is with the format flowed, which makes impossible to send
lines of more than 79 characters as soon as they contain at least
one space. See <https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2646>.
It may be related to format flowed. But I don't believe that format
flowed prevents lines of more than 79 characters.... There are
conventions about what character count on the line to do the format
flowed split. But a convention is a convention and can be changed.
I've done format flowed at 25 characters and I've done format flowed at
256 characters.
Indeed, even though it is not a mere convention in RFC 2646, it is a
SHOULD and not a MUST. According to BCP 14 (RFC 2119) it *may exist*
valid reasons to ignore this SHOULD, and the specific configuration of
a newsreader may be considered to be a valid reason.
So, The Doctor could consider extending the maximum length before sending
their stats (here I do not discuss on the subject to the interest of such
stats, another discussion exists in parallel).
Extending the maximum length?

It is set to infinity.
Post by Olivier Miakinen
Post by Grant Taylor
Post by Olivier Miakinen
Of course, the newsreaders that are prepared (and configured to)
understand the format flowed don't see any problem
Um, flag on the post. I'm using format flowed and I do see the problem.
At the time of my first post, I had only seen the *big* problem for those
who do not accept the format flowed in reading. But afterwards I saw
another (lesser) problem for those who read the format flowed. I tried
to launch a discussion about this bug in a French-speaking newsgroup
because the developer of MesNews is French, but I believe that Arnaud does
not really support this software anymore.
Best Regards,
Olivier Miakinen
Member - Liberal International This is ***@nk.ca Ici ***@nk.ca
Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ; unsubscribe from Google Groups to be seen
What worth the power of law that won't stop lawlessness? -unknown
Olivier Miakinen
2024-04-03 22:06:13 UTC
Post by The Doctor
Post by Olivier Miakinen
So, The Doctor could consider extending the maximum length before sending
their stats (here I do not discuss on the subject to the interest of such
stats, another discussion exists in parallel).
Extending the maximum length?
It is set to infinity.
That is impossible.

For starters, a newsreader MUST limit each physical line to 998 bytes.
By the way, if you look at the source code of your initial article, you will
see that only the lines which consist only of "-" and "|" characters (with
no space character) are left intact without any line break :

Thanks to a user on fr.test, I have a copy of the configuration page of
MesNews dealing with the creation of messages. I don't know if you have
that in another language than French, but in French the corresponding
item is the following :
Nombre de caractères par ligne [72 ]
See : <Loading Image...>.

However, I have pointed out four bugs in MesNews, so if your are allowed
to continue sending statistics, you'd better send them via trn rather than
via MesNews. I do not have the courage to translate my article into English,
but if you read French you can see all that in the following article :

Best Regards,
Olivier Miakinen
Grant Taylor
2024-04-04 01:19:12 UTC
Post by The Doctor
Extending the maximum length?
There is something wrapping lines in your messages. If it's not your
news client doing it, then something else is modifying your posts.
Grant. . . .
The Doctor
2024-04-04 01:37:23 UTC
Post by Grant Taylor
Post by The Doctor
Extending the maximum length?
There is something wrapping lines in your messages. If it's not your
news client doing it, then something else is modifying your posts.
I have a field set to 0 so that wrapping
is not cutting data off.
Post by Grant Taylor
Grant. . . .
Member - Liberal International This is ***@nk.ca Ici ***@nk.ca
Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ; unsubscribe from Google Groups to be seen
What worth the power of law that won't stop lawlessness? -unknown
Grant Taylor
2024-04-04 03:30:56 UTC
Post by The Doctor
I have a field set to 0 so that wrapping
is not cutting data off.
Wrapping should never cut off data or cause data loss. Wrapping will
just cause some part of it to be on the next line.

Have you looked at the source of the messages that we're discussing? Do
you see what we're talking about in the message source?
Grant. . . .
Grant Taylor
2024-04-04 01:18:22 UTC
Post by Olivier Miakinen
Indeed, even though it is not a mere convention in RFC 2646, it is a
SHOULD and not a MUST. According to BCP 14 (RFC 2119) it *may exist*
valid reasons to ignore this SHOULD, and the specific configuration
of a newsreader may be considered to be a valid reason.
Without reading the specific RFC sections I acknowledge and concede that
there is very strong suggestions / encouragement to use specific values.

That being said, there are people doing things they should not do all of
the time. }:-)
Post by Olivier Miakinen
At the time of my first post, I had only seen the *big* problem for
those who do not accept the format flowed in reading. But afterwards I
saw another (lesser) problem for those who read the format flowed.
Grant. . . .
Alfred Peters
2024-04-04 10:35:16 UTC
Post by The Doctor
Post by The Doctor
Statistics : from 1/1/2024 to 3/31/2024
How did I mangle it?
The problem is that you are sending a formatted table as "format=flowed".

With a reader that does not support this, it looks very broken. I have
switched it off for demonstration purposes:

Screenshot 2024-04-04 121326.png Size: 26,8 KB

But even with activated "format=flowed" the table is not aligned
correctly, because at least Thunderbird then eats up some spaces:

Screenshot 2024-04-04 122923.png Size: 37,8 KB

🀆🀟🀒 24258.2
Michael Bäuerle
2024-04-05 11:33:03 UTC
Post by Alfred Peters
Post by The Doctor
Post by The Doctor
Statistics : from 1/1/2024 to 3/31/2024
How did I mangle it?
The problem is that you are sending a formatted table as "format=flowed".
With a reader that does not support this, it looks very broken. I have
Screenshot 2024-04-04 121326.png Size: 26,8 KB
But even with activated "format=flowed" the table is not aligned
Screenshot 2024-04-04 122923.png Size: 37,8 KB
The problem are the paragraphs in the table (that a recepient is
allowed to rewrap to arbitrary width). This can make it look broken
differently, depending on the rewrap width that is used by the
With flowed format a table should consist of fixed lines only
(this means no line of the table should end with SP).

The problem with the space-stuffing can be mitigated by stuffing all
lines of a table. RFC 3676 explicitly allows to space-stuff any line.
A flowed-decoder will remove the stuffing as defined by RFC 3676.
Without a flowed-decoder the whole table will be indented one character
to the right (but stays readable with correctly aligned lines).

In this case the original article does not contain text for which the
paragraph system with rewrapping makes sense. The fixed format looks
more suitable for such content.
Michael Bäuerle
2024-04-05 11:56:29 UTC
Beginning of the original table (space-stuffed fixed lines):

***** Users with most messages *****
num| Name | Nb Msg | size | or. | %
1 | Adam H. Kerman | 78 | 233,521 | 0 | 10.17% xxxxxxxxxx
2 | Eric M | 63 | 132,990 | 0 | 8.21% xxxxxxxx
3 | llp | 59 | 161,222 | 4 | 7.69% xxxxxxx
4 | Frank Slootweg | 53 | 171,705 | 0 | 6.91% xxxxxx

Paragraph (similar width as table above, without flowed-decoder):

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore
magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo
consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

[Xpost and Followup-To to misc.test]
