2024-02-25 04:02:01 UTC
I guess we know the answer to the question for sure now, don't we.
It *was* Google from whence all that spam was emanating after all!
Before: https://groups.google.com/g/news.admin.peering/c/AgrNUeZuAkw
After: https://news.admin.peering.narkive.com/489FsG6L/google-groups-no-longer-supports-new-usenet-posts-or-subscriptions-historical-content-remains
You'd think Google, of all outfits, would have figured out that
an account that sends a billion messages to any given newsgroup
is spamming that newsgroup. I guess they didn't care.
It *was* Google from whence all that spam was emanating after all!
Before: https://groups.google.com/g/news.admin.peering/c/AgrNUeZuAkw
After: https://news.admin.peering.narkive.com/489FsG6L/google-groups-no-longer-supports-new-usenet-posts-or-subscriptions-historical-content-remains
You'd think Google, of all outfits, would have figured out that
an account that sends a billion messages to any given newsgroup
is spamming that newsgroup. I guess they didn't care.